Friday, August 11, 2006

Blogger is ruining my thought processes

How do I explain this...

It seems that when something is happening to me and/or I'm trying to figure out a way to deal with a specific moment in time, my thoughts immediately turn to "how would I post this as a blog entry". So instead of actually focussing on what's going on, or even just having an experience, regardless of how minor, I'm formulating a catchy title I'm going to use to post it on my blog.

I need to go back no further than this morning to find multiples examples:

First, cleaning my apartment -I'm in the process of what I hope will be a major overhaul, but in the mean time there's a lot of simple things to be done like VACUUMING (which I loathe). So I pulled out my brand-spanking new vacuum which compared to my old one is like putting a Porsche beside a Lada.

As I turned it on and started sucking up the bunny sized dust bunnies, I was thinking, "wow, this thing really sucks hard" and before I knew it I was thinking how how that would make a good pun on my blog -"my new vacuum really sucks", haha, nudge nudge, wink, wink, get it?? Sigh, yeah.

Finally lunchtime rolled around and started thinking about what I had to eat in my apartment (nothing I was in the mood for), so I decided I should go to the little sushi shop near Nyuzen High School and immediately I began to formulate another blog entry about the couple that run the shop and how friendly they are and how they love chatting me up and giving me freebees all the time. The deserve a blog entry too...

And one of the reasons I chose the sushi shop for lunch is because it's near the post office, and I had parcels to send home. I was 100% unsuccessful there today, I had two boxes, one was recycled from a parcel sent from Canada and one from here with Japanese writing on the side. They refused to take either. Seems that Canada Post is extremely picky about what's on the side of the boxes that enter the country. So I had to be shown what was aceptable and what wasn't, and they gave me new boxes and told me I could transfer everything into these boxes and it would cost this much to send that box if I send it sea mail vs surface mail and blah blah as I stood there, smiling and nodding and understanding about 75% of what they were saying, the other 25% of my thoughts were on to how I would bitch about this on my blog when I got home and how absolutely ridiculous Canada Post has gotten about recieving parcels from overseas. It never used to be this way. I finally gave the post office staff a polite bow and told them I'd come back again later with the proper boxes. Sigh, it took me 3 months to finally transfer the boxes from my apartment to my car, maybe they'll be sent in time for Christmas now...

After hitting that wall, I was in no mood to start up on cleaning again. Besides it's insanely hot here at the moment and I was starting to feel guilty about being inside under the air conditioner all day. So I convinced myself that I should get my swim in early today, but I ws thinking I should also take advantage of the sun while I could, so a quick trip to the beach would be in order first. Bike or drive? Bike or drive? I had enough time to bike, but it was a really quite hot and maybe a little dangerous to be biking in the middle of the afternoon. I decided to risk it and transfered all the necessary gear into a backpack and hopped on my bike.

I got no further than a kilometer down the road when all of a sudden I heard a 'pfssst' and then a clunk clunk clunk. ARGH, my first flat! This in itself was already going on my workout blog before I had even gotten off my bike, but began to deserve real blog status for the sheer comedy factor that I provided for the guys who saw me.

I was cruising down Rt3 when it happened. I could see 2 guys standing on the sidewalk ahead of me and I knew I had to slow down to get by them. It was the EXACT moment that I was riding by them that I heard the aforementioned 'pfssst'. I stopped directly in front of them. Got off my bike, took one look at the tire, took one look at them, said 'punk-u, zannen desu ne' (flat tire, that sucks eh?), picked up my bike and started walking back in the direction I'd come from. They were busting a gut as I walked away. All the while, I'm thinking, great I can post this on my blog too!

I think I need to be unplugged for a while.

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