How I spent my summer vacation - 4000km in a Volkswagen!!!
July 27 - John, Wendi and I arrived in Vancouver from literally opposite sides of the earth.
Brad and Lisa squeezed us and all our luggage into their cute little apart-o. After showering and getting a bit of life back into us we headed down to the ocean to watch the fireworks competition that was going on that night.

July 28 - John and Wendi checked out the city while I visited with Dacia and yet to be born Zoi. We had a great day of catching up. In the evening we had a barbeque and got ready for the early morning trek

to Kinuso.

July 29 - 6:00 a.m. -.......ok, 7:00 we headed out of Vancouver in the Jetta and the Rental -the first 1 400 km of my trip.

July 29-July 31 - Pine Point on the Lesser Sla

ve Lake, Alberta. Had a great time at the family reunion.
July 31-August 8 - aaaaaah [happy sigh] HOME! Days spent sleeping in, eating, visiting, swimming, visiting, sleeping in, eating, visiting. My mom went all out one night with a big turkey dinner

(something I hadn't had in years -literally) -and everyone showed up to welcome John, Wendi and me home.

August 8-August 11 - Swan Hills with the Litkes (and Whiskers). 3 days of non stop action! Thank you for your hospitality and escape! I loved every minute of it.
August 11 - Off to Edmonton for a CT scan to confirm my herniated disc (fun fun). Lunch with the Pearson boys and John and Wendi at BPs on Whyte Ave. I have to say it was a little surreal.
On to Calary for a VW meeting and a great night's sleep at Ryszard's house.

August 12&13 - Ross's wedding festivities. It was great to see everyone again.

August 14 - Family Day at the Zoo -topped off with dinner on Dad at the Cheesecake

Cafe. A perfect day!
August 15 - Shopping and Kathy's day!

August 16 - A day in Lethbridge with Dave and his fiance. What a great gal! I can't wait for the wedding!

August 17 - Back up to Edmonton via Drumheller. VW meeting at A&W on Whyte - just like the old days!
August 18 - The Great Canadian VW Cruz. The Air Riders took off on the first leg of the journey with a stop at Mt. Robson before arriving in Kamloops for the night.
August 19 - Kamloops to Vancouver with more VW fun. A night at the drag strip to top of a great day.
August 20 - Pancake breakfast, an afternoon at Stanley Park and saying goodbye to everyone before getting on the plane for 'home'.
Thank you to everyone who put me up/put up with me while I was home. It was a real holiday full of fun and laughter. Much more than I expected it to be!
Things I've decided I miss about home:
The sky.
The open roads.
Tim Horton's.
Turkey dinners.