Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I have a new job!

I haven't talked too much about the big change, but it's happened. I'm now an elementary school teacher for the city of Kurobe.

Although I'm still an employee of the JET Programme, I have a new Board of Education which is based at the municipal level rather than through the prefecture. The contract is very similar, but of course I will be teaching elementary school children, not teenagers. My workload will more than double this year. Last year I taught 10 classes a week, but this year I'll be teaching 24 -at 3 different schools.

Today I went to eac of my schools for the first time to meet the principals and some of the staff -it's summer break for students so there weren't a lot of teachers around, but at least I got to see where my desk will be at each school and check out the size and layout for each as well.

Here is a preliminary description of each:

Chuo is the biggest elementary school in Kurobe City. It also has the highest level of English according to what I've been told. There are 474 students at this school.

Mikkaichi has 352 students and is brand-spankin' new! A beautiful school with a principal who speaks English! Horray.

Maezawa is one of the smallest schools in Kurobe. Only 98 students. It's so cute!

And the most important thing about all of them is that they EACH HAVE A POOL!!! Outdoor of course, but rest assured I'll be making the most of it!

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