Kirsten and John invited me to the Nyuzen City Hall Year End party this year. They are elementary and jr. high teachers and therefore work for the municipal gov't, not the prefectural board of Ed., like me. Kirsten had told me last years party was crazy, so I couldn't pass up the chance to join in the fun this year. The food and drink were the usual fair. Bento sushi, sashimi, yakisoba, cold pizza, mystery fish products and of course, beer and sake. Even though the food is never stellar at these events I still manage to stuff myself every time.
ANYWAY, on to the highlights...
Tradition, so I've been told, is that the new employees (young'ns) have to provide the entertainment for the night. They are to come up with something totally outrageous for the crowd of about 200- the more humiliating, the better. I'll leave it to the photos to tell the stories.
The big suprise of the night came when Kirsten won the top door prize!! A night for 2 at a fancy schmancy onsen resort hotel in the mountains. Looks like I've got some sucking up to do!!