This was a Toyama-wide event put on by the international center in Toyama city. A great group of kids, fun teachers, interesting activities and great food -what more can you ask for in a camp!
This month an ex-roomate of mine from Lethbridge arrived in Japan with 9 wide-eyed teenagers from the YMCA in tow. They invited me to tag along with them as they toured with a group of 15 youth from the YMCA in Osaka. After self introductions and presentations we headed out into the rain to see a temple and museum (the name of which escapes me at the moment). The students were devided into groups of 8 (3 Canadians, 5 Japanese) with the two Y leaders, Dave and Christine, and myself as 'supervisors'. The Japanese kids did a fantastic job of getting us to the temple (after a few minor misreadings of the trains) and once there we thoroughly enjoyed the day despite the constant downpour. For lunch, each group chose a different restaurant and we had the opportunity to get to know each other a bit better. All of the students made the effort to communicate in both English and Japanese. The Japanese kids had amazing English - some of them had lived abroad -and they were more than happy to try to explain the temple, it's surroundings and some of the rituals that are performed there. It was a refreshing experience - to watch Dave, Christine and the kids experience Japan for the first time. Living here for 3 years now, I've begun to take some things for granted. It was also great to see these teenagers come together and communicate so positively and confidently. Kudos to Dave and Chistine for taking on the challenge. I'm sure it will be an experience you'll never forget!
The Incredibles - for only the 50th time... 2007.07.14
Things I Love
The smell of old VWs. mmmmmm.
The Passionate Journey - Irving Stone
Bernard Callebaut Dark Chocolate
Pistachio Ice Cream
*Please understanding the natural wood likely to have the status of distortion, damage or some cracks. *The wood will possibly have some status of cracks, rot, rust and other phenomena if the wood with water and wet.*Please avoid excessive force when you use it.*Please pay more attention to the product which will be broken under the situation of flop down .*Please do not throw and cast it , in order injury and damage to the goods.*Please keep it out of reach of children.*Do not use this product for other than its intended purpose.*Keep away from fire.