I met Colin and Kelly in Lethbridge. Colin and I were in the same Education program and we shared a practicum experience together at LCI in Lethbridge. They have 2 children who were just little guys when I left for Japan. When I met them at the station it was a bit of a shock to see how much they had grown!!
Colin, the kids and I went and watched a karate tournament on Saturday.

Unfortunately Kelly had to work so we met up with her back at their apartment later in the afternoon. We had a nice relaxing evening, watched a movie, ate a fabulous mango chicken salad and caught up on each other's lives a bit.
The kids are in a regular Japanese school. They attend all the classes just like any other kid on the block. They are learning Japanese at an incredible rate and seem to have adjusted really well to their new home.
Sunday we took a walk to the local castle -Selah was in charge of the camera, enjoy the photos!!

Thanks for a great weekend guys!!!

1 comment:
Hey Linea!!
We had a great time while you were here. Thanks for coming down.
Colin, Kelly, Mixon & Selah
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