The 29th of April is Greenery Day
May 3rd is Constitution Memorial Day
May 4th is a national holiday because the holiday law stipulates that a day that falls between two holidays shall also be a holiday, and since this day falls between Constitution Memorial Day and Children's Day, it too is a holiday.
May 5th is Children's Day
Because of all of these holidays, a lot of people take the whole week off and go somewhere. Last year my parents came to visit and we went to Kyoto and to the World Expo in Aichi. This year however I have opted to STAY HOME!!!!! Yay, I can't tell you how excited I am about this. No plans other than to just hang out, clean my apartment (I have to start thinking about packing soon) wash my car and CHILL. It's Monday afternoon, I have one more day of work this week!! Haha.
I did however, start Golden Week with a mini holiday. On Friday I went to Kanazawa with my third grade students (grade 12s).

We took a bus from the school and set out for a day in 'Little Kyoto'. The bus ride took 2 hours and once in the city we went straight to Kenrokuen Garden and took class photos.

After that the kids were free to wander the city on their own until two thirty. That also meant the teachers could wander the city on their own! I took advantage of the beautiful day to walk downtown with one of the other teachers. We checked out a bookstore and then eventually parted to do our own thing. For me that meant sipping a caramel macchiato on a starbucks patio, watching random students wander by and reading one of the new books I've started this week - The Blind Assasin.
All the kids were back on the bus at the appointed time and we were on the road again heading for Nyuzen. Of course, like all school functions, there had to be a party for the teachers after. We went out for dinner as usual -but this time in Uozu (two cities over) and it was only for the 3rd year teachers. The second year students went somewhere different on Friday -Nagano I think, and the first years went to the mountains for a bar-b-q. After dinner we then moved to the seond party, in a bar, as usual, and that was enough for me. I wimped out on the 3rd party (usually karaoke) and caught the train back to Nyuzen. I had a 6:30 a.m. train to catch to Gifu. (I live in #19 -Gifu is #22 -the city I visited is near Nagoya at the bottom of the map)

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