The police -who line the roads EVERYWHERE- were there within minutes. After a bit of talking and even some laughing...we were on our way again, without any more trouble. The drive out to the site reminded me of Lethbridge and the coulies. Bare, rolling hills, everything dry and brown. I loved it!
Once at the site, our tour guide gave us a bit of advice about where to go and set a timeline for us. We went through the gate -by the way, all of the places we visited were included in the tour - and started up the WALL!! Enjoy the photos.

Hey girlie
Am loving it...just curious...if you weren't part of the tour could you have wandered the wall as much as you wanted or do they have certain hours and certain areas that you are allowed on? Could you just pack up your gear and follow the wall? (not likely) but it is good to imagine...see that is my wandering husband's ideal..he gets up before dawn and wanders around..that is part of how he gets such great photos, and it can be interesting to see people (and animals) up and about their business first thing in the morning (and you get the best bread and apple pasteries from the bakeries). Of course, on alot of our travels we mostly missed the nightlife. I don't mind the tours, actually i prefer them sometimes in some places. But Wes and I agree that a trek along the great wall would be a great trip (even if it is not really possible). Okay, I will keep the rest of my ramblings for the email.
Thanks again! Am looking forward to the rest of the tour!
love M
First of all, it would have meant finding a way to get out to the wall...
Where we were, you had to buy a ticket and enter through a gate, so I'm assuming there were only specific times we could go.
I don't know whether or not your can traverse the whole wall, we never looked into it -especially after finding out that it's 6700km long!
There wasn't really that much to see other than 'The Wall' where we were. I'm not sure about other spots along it though.
ya...I figured as much, but it is nice to dream about...maybe some day..don't know we would want to do the whole 6700km, and i don't know how much of that part of china is desert already, but you know, i am a romantic....
Did you see many taxis?
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