Main Entry: at·trac·tion Pronunciation: &-'trak-sh&n Function: noun 1 a: the act, process, or power of attractingb: personal charm 2: the action or power of drawing forth a response : an attractive quality
The Incredibles - for only the 50th time... 2007.07.14
Things I Love
The smell of old VWs. mmmmmm.
The Passionate Journey - Irving Stone
Bernard Callebaut Dark Chocolate
Pistachio Ice Cream
*Please understanding the natural wood likely to have the status of distortion, damage or some cracks. *The wood will possibly have some status of cracks, rot, rust and other phenomena if the wood with water and wet.*Please avoid excessive force when you use it.*Please pay more attention to the product which will be broken under the situation of flop down .*Please do not throw and cast it , in order injury and damage to the goods.*Please keep it out of reach of children.*Do not use this product for other than its intended purpose.*Keep away from fire.
Linea has fallen in love with a dictionary.
if only it were that simple...
i'm going insane!!!!!!
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