Even though I still don't understand everything -I can pick up enough now to figure most programs out. The other thing that helps is that most programs are extremely visual. In other words they use a lot of computer generated images to help explain whatever they're talking about and subtitles that prove to be very useful at times (I can check words on my dictionary or look at the kanji characters and figure out the meaning).
Japanese TV is comprised of a lot of variety/talk shows where there is a panel of celebrity guests who, along with us, the audience, are watching some king of event unfold. The panel offers relief (mostly comedy)and provides commentary for the event at hand. It can be anything from sports events, to relationship issues to animal antics.
I'm writing about this because I just finished watching a short program about a guy who hopped on his bike, armed with a GPS system and rode around Tokyo for 11 hours. He, of course had a camera man with him documenting his ride as well as the panel back at the studio commenting on his progress (but not telling us the actual goal). All they would reveal were short updates of of a map of Tokyo now strewn with red lines of the tracking that his GPS system was providing as he rode around. In the end, he finished back at the studio where the panel of guests were waiting to greet him.
He handed over his GPS system to some official computer guy who uploaded it onto a screen and finally the audience was shown exactly what he was trying to do. In etch-a-scetch fashion, the red lines (his 11 hour route around Tokyo) began to form an image. The lines zigged and zagged through Tokyo, sometimes he rode up and down the same street which created a thicker line on the map. The final image (I was anticpating The Mona Lisa or at least Hello Kitty) was simply the mascot of the TV program being aired. That's it, that's all.

11hours, and 78 km later, he had drawn a picture of an already compter generated image. I wish I had the finished image to show you, but it hasn't been posted on the internet yet) or not that I could find. But in looking for it, I came across previous exersions by the same guy. You can check it out here: http://www.nhk.or.jp/nj/housoukiroku_2005.html#39
1 comment:
was this guy by chance wearing a big red arrow on his head so they could also track him from a helicopter??? maybe it was a different show.....
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