Saturday, April 28, 2007

Wedding fun in Kanazawa

Last weekend 11 of us boarded a bus to Kanazawa and helped our friend Yuko celebrate her wedding. It's not very often you see all of us so spiffed up so it was a real treat for everyone to spend the day in our Sunday best.

K and I looking fab!!

Naomi and Mihoko waiting for the bride.

Hanging out before the second party.

K and I with the bride.

Nothing but love.

Lee and I taking one for the team.
(thanks for the pic K)

The bus ride home.


Kirsten said...

so much fun!! i wish we could have days out like the wedding day more often! we all looked so good! damn!

Anonymous said...

Hey Linea
Please tell Yuko that Annelise thinks she looks like a queen in her kimono and a princess in the other photos. She is truely impressed with Yuko's wedding outfits.
Please tell Yuko congratulations from us.

Linea said...

I will be sure to pass on the compliments. She certainly did look like a princess!!