Wednesday, March 07, 2007

It hurts to sneeze and reverse is a bitch.

Since my last post it has been confirmed that I have cracked one of my ribs as a result of my stellar boarding practices.

Sneezing is absolutely not an option. Neither is coughing.

If you've ever driven a standard VW you will understand what the title of this post means. Down and down is nearly impossible (the rib that's cracked is on the right side, in the back, near my spine).

People keep telling me that this will probably be the end of my boarding for the season. That's great considering it finally snowed and STAYED yesterday. I bit of a change from the 19 degrees we had on Sunday and Monday. What is going on here??

I don't deserve any sympathy for this particular injury since it was my own idiocy that led to this condition, but a few "awww"s and "poor you"s might help me recover quicker...just no hugs please.


Anonymous said...

Noah says "owwwwww that must hurt"

Linea said...

haha, he's right!!

Anonymous said...

Poor Linea
It would be worse if you drive BUS though.
Hope to heal quick!

Linea said...

very very true Kazz!!

I'm still on the mend and worried that my boarding season is through.

what was that about the 32year curse???