I feel like I'm back in Lethbridge...the whole building is swaying back and forth, the windows are rattling, the water in the toilet bowl is sloshing, and I could lose the laundry rods off my balcony at any moment.
I remember the long walks to the UofL...well, long if I were going against the wind - I could cut the time in half if I when I was walking with the incessant gales that used to come howling out of the foothills.
Where did this come from? We've had perfect weather here for months now. Is it time to finally admit winter is coming?
I've thought about turning on the heater (I usually use my air conditioner's 'heat' function)...but I haven't done it yet. It's a common game among ALTs - who will be the first to pull out the kerosene heater? Who can withstand the chilly autumn mornings and frigid nights the longest? I wonder who will it be this year -I think I've already beaten Sista K. Those of us with smaller apartments have an advantage since we basically only have to worry about heating up one room. Pity the JET who has a large apartment or, heaven forbid, a house to live in during the winter months.

I got this photo from a website which provides a great explanation of Japanese heating meathods.
click here to view the site
ummm, excuse me!!! no kerosene heater for me yet! i only have a tiny very small little space heater going. And that's because my kitchen is the size of your entire apartment!
but, i probably will be going to the gas station to fill up on kerosene within the week if this keeps up! :)
ok, ok, no kerosene, but I knew you had a heater of somekind going ;)
I ALMOST caved in last night and pulled out my little space heater too, but at the last minute I changed my mind and jumped in the bath instead.
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