Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Not much to say

Well, work is keeping me busy, and tired...I don't have much energy at the moment and I'm hoping that changes soon 'cause I've got a whole year of this!! The consolation is that I have great people to work with and the students are so cute I just want to eat them for lunch! Speaking of lunch, I had a carb overload today at Maezawa (my little school). Spagetti AND 2 slices of bread is a little much. I don't know how the kids eat all of it, I can hardly finish mine.

I went to a car show on the weekend, got to be a staff memeber, you can see my pics on my VW blog. It was fun, but we had a ton of rain on Sunday that kind of put a damper on the day (pardon the pun). I didn't win any awards this time (haha, surprise surprise - I didn't even wash my car before the show). But I got to greet the entrants and present awards during the day.

Nothing of huge significance happening on this side of the world...summer is officially over...there's finally a male heir to the throne again...the Sept Sumo tourney is on, but I won't get a chance to go as all my weekends are booked this month. Speaking of being booked...I've put the down payment on my tickets home for Christmas. That's right, I'm going to be home for the holidays for the first time in 5 years...crazy. So the countdown is officially on. Less than 100 days until I'm home!


Kirsten said...

you only had two carbs today?? lucky.
we got three....ramen, hot dog bun and potato salad! total overload!!!


Anonymous said...

yay! can't wait to see you at Christmas! Are you going to come bake cookies with us?

Linea said...

Sista, ramen for lunch? Aiyayai!!
Today was meatballs!


Anonymous said...

Will you come visit us in T dot? Will you bake cakes with us?