Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Quick Rant

Everyone who know me knows that I'm in love with this country. But that doesn't mean that I like EVERYTHING about it.

There are 3 particular things that rile me up:

SMOKING IN PUBLIC PLACES (trains, restaurants, etc.)

CHILDREN NOT PLACED IN CHILD SAFETY SEATS (I see this on a daily basis, it's ludicrous)


RUNNING RED LIGHTS -especially big trucks. This is the reason for the rant...

I live along a main road called Route 8. It's the alternative to the expressway (which you have to pay for) and so it's always packed with big trucks. There is a intersection with signal lights near my apartment which I have to go through on a daily basis. I'm not sure why it seems worse than others, but I see more trucks run red lights at this particular intersection than any other. 2 years ago there was a terrible accident and due to a vehicle running a red light, a truck smashed into the house that sits on one of the corners of the intersection. Yikes!!! And even though police cars sit at this intersection on a regular basis, it has not prevented people from running the red.

So, tonight I was coming home from studying and was approaching this particular light on the road perpendicular to Route 8. I was a few meters from the stop line and saw the light turn yellow for the people along Rt8. I saw a big truck drive through. I then watched the light turn red for the people along Rt8. I saw a big truck drive through. Of course the light then turned green for me. I saw a big truck drive through. ARGH!!! If I had actually proceeded when the light turned green for me I would have been squished like a bug!


Anonymous said...

squished like a bug? a little red bug? ha ha

Linea said...

'cept I'm not driving my bug at the moment. I have a little tiny tin can loaner the wiggles and wobbles and weights about 8 pounds...eep.

Anonymous said...

what happened to your bug? at a spa for a week?

Linea said...

yes Kazz, you're right, we do have to be careful, 'cause the big trucks aren't. do you think they'll ever lift the tolls off the expressways?

auntie m- yep, she's getting her regular MANDATORY check up, which will cost me over a GRAND!!!