Thursday, July 06, 2006

back to normal

haha, thanks to everyone who asked me if I was ok after that last post.

I'm fine -really.

I've realized part of the issue is my apartment. It's tiny and it's cluttered and I have to make some decisions about my possessions and learn to live with less or I'm going to go crazy. When I thought I was going to move to Kurobe I had grand ideas that I'd purge myself of a lot of unwantables - well, more like unneedables. Now that I'm staying put, I have to decide if I should still purge. I think I should. I need to haul out everything in my closets (there are boxes I haven't opened since I put them there 3 years ago). That space could definitely be used for more important things -like my snowboard -which is leaning against a wall at the moment.

I wish I could drill holes in the walls....then I could put up shelves and get things off the floor. As it is, I have shelves that pretty much go to the ceiling, and if they don't, then I've got stuff stacked on top of them that does. If there were ever a serious earthquake I'd be toast. They'd be digging my out from under books mostly. The Niikawa JET library takes up a lot of my apartment space, but for some reason the books don't bother me, there's something very comforting about being surrounded by all those books. It's the stacks of paper, and the trinkets and the clothes and the rest of it that irritates me.

My friend Amy is leaving JET this year and she's moving out of her apartment at the moment. She has to decide what to keep for the girl that will take her place and what to throw away. She took a bunch of her stuff to a flea market not too long ago and she said it felt great to give her stuff to people who she knew appreciated it. I remember seeing one in Uozu a few years ago, maybe if I find one close to Nyuzen I'd be willing to part with things.

So, that's the goal. Simplify.


Anonymous said...

ha ha...i'm not laughing at you...but with you...really.
here is an idea. pack the stuff up that you think you might want to get rid of...keep the box months or one month or whatever you can stand. If you don't go looking in the box for anything in that time, then take it to the flea market or wherever...easier to get rid of that way...

Anonymous said...

p.s. glad to hear you are feeling better...sometimes change is harder than we want to admit, especially if the change is not our idea or decision (we are not in control...some of us (me and you) have a harder time with that than others)
big hugs

Boysters said...

I'm currently trying to get rid of as much crap as possible. It feels great! Bring on pale white walls and empty floors!

Kirsten said...

You got my support!!! Let's throw stuff out. Or have a big flea market. But save some shit for the thanksgiving drawing! I'm running out!

Linea said...

Oh look, another weekend GONE!!!

I think I spent less than 2 waking hours in my apartment this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.