Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Japan's Addiction

Ok, I can't stand it any longer. It's time to rant about my number one pet peeve, frustration...hazard in this country.


This will be a multi-entry blog topic as there is just too much to put down here.

Let's start with some statistics, shall we...

These were taken from the World Health Organization:

  • About a third of the male adult global population smokes.

  • Smoking related-diseases kill one in 10 adults globally, or cause four million deaths. By 2030, if current trends continue, smoking will kill one in six people.

  • Every eight seconds, someone dies from tobacco use.

  • Smoking is on the rise in the developing world but falling in developed nations. Among Americans, smoking rates shrunk by nearly half in three decades (from the mid-1960s to mid-1990s), falling to 23% of adults by 1997. In the developing world, tobacco consumption is rising by 3.4% per year.

  • About 15 billion cigarettes are sold daily - or 10 million every minute.

  • About 12 times more British people have died from smoking than from World War II.

  • Cigarettes cause more than one in five American deaths.

  • Among WHO Regions, the Western Pacific Region* - which covers East Asia and the Pacific - has the highest smoking rate, with nearly two-thirds of men smoking.

  • About one in three cigarettes are consumed in the Western Pacific Region.

  • The tobacco market is controlled by just a few corporations - namely American, British and Japanese multinational conglomerates.


Boysters said...

I used to smoke like an absolute chimney. Glad to have stopped whenever I see any pictures of black internal organs!!!

Kirsten said...

WONDERFUL!!! You stole my idea!! Thank you!!! I hope to post something similar soon! Let's bombard smokers! It's really pissing me off!! I hate it when they ask, "is it okay?" sure...give me cancer!! why the hell not!

Matthew R. Loney said...


But I just found a really cool cigarette case on the ski hill. I was planning on putting it to good use...

My problem is moderation, or lack of it. I think a cig every so often is nothing so bad. They can definately be enjoyed...not unlike a piece of cheesecake. However, cheesecake 15 times a day is bound to do the same to your arteries as smoking does to your lungs.

Perhaps I need to throw up after a cig....that would do it.

Linea said...

how do you NOT throw up after a cigarette?!?!?!